The Chronicles Of Grant County:
Easter Sunday - 2020

April 12, 2020

Easter Crosses - Gerd Altmann - Pixabay.jpg

(This image was provided courtesy of Gerd Altmann through Pixabay.)

It’s Easter Sunday.

In past years, bells would peal from churches from Silver City to Hurley.  Music would sound from houses of worship from Bayard to Cliff.

But it’s 2020.

Times have changed.  People cannot partake in many of the usual customs.  That includes religious services for Easter.

Many have called churches “hospitals for sinners.”  Today, many of those “hospitals” will be closed.  The buildings won’t be overflowing with “patients.”

But not everything has changed.

Many little kids will still be munching on peeps, counting jelly beans, and debating whether to first bite a chocolate bunny’s ear or a rabbit’s head.

Many parents will still be comforting those same children later in the day as all that sugar may do a number on their tummies.

Christians of most denominations who would have been in church today to celebrate Easter – the resurrection of Jesus, the Christ – are now at home.  Some alone.  Some with family.  Some with friends.  (Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter Sunday next week.)

Whether they typically be a twice-a-year (Christmas and Easter) Catholic or devout Nazarene who usually would attend services twice weekly, many of these Christians see Easter as a way to re-charge.  To give meaning to life.  To try to be a better person.

Though almost all will be in their homes, some will still for Easter.  Some in brand new suits.  Others will wear pastel-colored dresses.  Some will have their slacks freshly ironed and wear a nice shirt.

In previous years, many Grant County residents would be praying in churches.  Some might have been knelling.  Others might have been genuflecting.  Still others might have been singing songs of joy (even if a little off key).

This year, people from Gila to Santa Clara and from Tyrone to Mimbres will be watching their religious leaders celebrate mass or services on television or through the internet.  (One side benefit is that no one – outside of family or friends – will notice if you’re singing off key this year.)

A specific Biblical passage for local folks to consider given today’s health situation is Micah 6:8.

On this Easter Sunday, whether you believe in Jesus, the Christ;  whether you are of a faith other than Christianity;  or whether you choose not to have a specific religious faith or choose to have no religious faith at all, please reflect on the words of Micah 6:8.


Micah, a Jewish Prophet, is seen here speaking to Israelites. He is remembered in the
Roman Catholic Church annually with a Feast Day on December 21st. He is remembered
in the Eastern Orthodox Churches annually with a Feast Day on August 14th.
(This image of Micah was provided courtesy of Mr. Gustave Dore in Dore’s English Bible, 1866.)

Please note that like most other aspects of the Bible, there are different translations of Micah 6:8.  The first translation quoted below is from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  The second one quoted below is from the King James Version of the Bible.  Other versions, though with different wording, are similar in tone and context.

You have been told, O mortal, what is good,
and what the LORD requires of you:
Only to do justice and to love goodness,
and to walk humbly with your God.

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God? 

Though times have changed, key facets of humanity remain the same.

Whether this Sunday (or next Sunday, if you’re Orthodox Christian) is the holiest day in your faith’s calendar or just another day at work or another day when you can relax (okay, at least try to relax), may you find this day to be one filled with justice, mercy, love, and goodness.

Happy Easter!

Jesus is Risen - Stephen Muir through Pixabay.jpg

(This image is provided courtesy of Mr. Stephen Muir through Pixabay.)

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© 2020 Richard McDonough